I’m a little bit stunned to be writing this, but as of next Tuesday, we will have been holding the Godless Perverts Social Club for one whole year.
What is the Godless Perverts Social Club? It’s the other regular event that we’ve been doing to build community among atheists who are sex-positive, queer, kinky, or otherwise just don’t want to have to keep their sexuality or gender in the closet.
Whereas the Story Hours are evenings of performance and art, the Social Clubs are exactly what they sound like: an occasion for people to get together, socialize, and talk. Greta and I have been running it primarily, and the evening’s structure is a pretty loose one: We start off with a topic or question to prime the conversational pump, and then we’re off and running.
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and haven’t been to any of the Social Clubs yet, Tuesday, April 1 is the perfect opportunity to try it out. Like it says above, it’s our first birthday. Like all birthdays, it comes as a little bit of a surprise; it’s hard to believe that it’s been so long since we started doing this. To celebrate, Greta is going to bring a grab bag of porn, and there may be silly hats. But there will be porn, for those who want to take some home.

Wicked Grounds Kink Café, by Lynn Friedman (Flickr, with Creative Commons)
The Godless Perverts Social Club happens every first Tuesday at Wicked Grounds, San Francisco’s one and only kink-themed coffee house and café. We’d really like to thank the owner, Ryan, and his staff for being such great hosts to us for the last year. Wicked Grounds is kind of like the kinky community’s living room in San Francisco, and even if you can’t make it there for the Godless Perverts Social Club, it’s well worth a visit.
We’re open to and welcome people of all sexualities, genders, orientations, and ethnicities. If you do come, and feel uncomfortable because of racism, sexism, transphobia, harassment, or other issues, please let the hosts know (usually Chris and Greta) and we’ll do our best to handle the problem.
For more info, or to RSVP, you can check our event link here on the site, or on Meetup.com.